How to book

How to book

Book hotel in Greece in 4 easy steps

Choose destination and dates of stay

Choose destination and dates of stay

Choose destination and dates of stay using the search in home page, resorts page, or the one below.
The system will display available hotels with best price for each of them.

We recommend using the Quick view button in search result page, in order to see detailed information for hotels interesting you

See prices and select your hotel and room

See prices and select your hotel and room

Several rooms with different board plans and prices will be displayed for most of the hotels. You may choose to book room with instant confirmation, and guarantee your booking right after you make the payment, or book a room requiring additional confirmation.

Payment link to pay online by Visa or MasterCard will be sent to you if room requiring additional confirmation if chosen.

Pay online by Visa or MasterCard

Pay online by Visa or MasterCard

Payment is made by Visa or MasterCard, credit or debit, in the secure environment served by the Bulgarian national card operator of Borica.

Your credit or debit card information is not revealed to us, and is not saved by our servers.

Receive your voucher and enjoy your stay

Receive your voucher and enjoy your stay

After the payment is made you will receive your voucher by e-mail. The voucher must be presented to the hotel at check-in.

Enjoy your stay in Greece!

Start booking your hotel in Greece now

Child 1, г.
Child 2, г.
Child 3, г.
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